Couple of tools for Duplicate Photos and Media Titles
Despite saving nearly all of my photos stored online straight from my phone, I still many photos and other media stored locally. In part, this is due to having photos from other cameras now and over the years or other media (music library for example). However, curation is a bit of a headache so I only try to clean every once in a while. Here are a few of the commands that I use to remove duplicates, fix titles or make other changes. Music and Movie Titles To check titles on media files like movies or music, I print out the filename (easy to find via ls!) and the title using exiftool like this (the line break between File Name and Title is important to grep -F): ls -1 | while read a; do echo "$a"; exiftool "$a" | grep -F "File Name Title" ; echo " "; done If I want to update the title: exiftool -Title=Zombie_Island my_homemade_zombie_movie.m4v Duplicate Photos To find duplicate photos, you could ...