Admin tools for ActiveMQ

Check out these pages on the ActiveMQ site

One important item to keep track of is the number of messages going through each queue.  This can be done with the activemq-admin tool. One of the most useful options of this tool is query which returns information about each queue.  The general format is:
   activemq-admin query

To get information about a particular queue use the -QQueue=queue_name; * works as a wildcard.

Due to our set up, we also need to set the rmi jmx details (port number, username, and password) via jmx flags: --jmxuser user_name --jmxpassword password_string --jmxurl service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:11223/jmxrmi

This script starts collecting stats such as the number of dequeued messages every 120secs into a file with the starting time stamp as part of the file name:

nd=`date +%d.%m.%y-%H.%M.%S`
echo $nd
echo $file_out

while [ $i -lt 30 ]
 echo -n "date: " >> $file_out
 date >> $file_out
 ../bin/activemq-admin query -QQueue=my.important.queue --jmxuser user_name --jmxpassword password_string --jmxurl service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:11223/jmxrmi >> $file_out
 echo " " >> $file_out
 let i=$i+1
 sleep 120

Running activemq-admin against a queue will give a number of useful pieces of information about a queue such as the number of enqueued or dequeued messages.

We used the activemq-admin query command to diagnose a problem with message flow - more on that here.

For a way to find which queues have old messages and to list the number of old messages this post has more.


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